Dam on Sheboygan River at the Sheboygan Marsh: DNR grant [Sec. 9132 (1)] -
Act 58"Deputy LaVonne Zenner Memorial Bridge" designated in Wood County; contributions from interested parties -
Act 211Operation of drones over correctional institutions prohibition exception re authorization of the DOC Secretary or sheriff -
Act 52Bridge construction in a shoreland setback area: county shoreland zoning ordinance cannot prohibit; vegetative buffer zone provision -
Act 200Fence constructed within a shoreland setback area: county shoreland zoning ordinance may not prohibit -
Act 105Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program: obsolete provisions repealed -
Act 235Outdoor recreation vehicle registration and trail use fees retained by DNR [Sec. 55, 158-163, 172-174, 397-399] -
Act 58Snowmobile, ATV, and UTV operation restrictions modified re highways, during hours of darkness, and noise from snowmobiles -
Act 103Snowmobile trail aids use expanded [Sec. 400, 401] -
Act 58Substance use disorder treatment by advanced practice social workers and independent social workers: certification not required; substance abuse counselor provision -
Act 222Soil and water resource management: additional public debt [Sec. 111] -
Act 58Lake Michigan and Lake Superior: exempting facilities from licensing and operating plan requirements for disposal of dredged materials, conditions and emergency rule provisions -
Act 93Tipping fee exemption for waste-to-energy facilities [Sec. 368-387] -
Act 58Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission strategic planning grant, sunset provision [Sec. 47, 48, 9432 (6)] [47 -- partial veto] -
Act 58Civil liability exemption for entities re failure to act resulting in person's exposure to COVID-19 [vetoed] -
AB1COVID-19 pandemic: state government actions to address; emergency rule procedures provisions [vetoed] -
AB1Discrimination by governmental entity against person’s COVID-19 vaccination status prohibited [vetoed] -
AB316Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR101] -
JR 17Firearms: enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, accessories, and ammunition; “Made in Wisconsin” stamp; government body or agency cannot expend resources to confiscate legally possessed firearms and accessories [vetoed] -
AB293Immunization-related mail: government entities, schools, health care providers, and childcare centers required to ensure mail is sealed and no information is visible on the outside -
Act 81Proof of coronavirus vaccination as condition for transacting business or receiving any services prohibited [vetoed] -
AB299Talent attraction and retention initiatives: allocation of federal moneys to focus on veterans [vetoed] -
AB888Talent attraction and retention initiatives re 2021 WisAct 58: WEDC to submit expenditure plan to JCF [vetoed] -
AB940Talent attraction and retention initiatives [Sec. 9149 (2)] -
Act 58Transfer of employees between executive branch agencies: DOA Secretary authorized to make, expires June 30, 2021 [vetoed] -
AB1UI law: DWD to update IT systems, civil liability exemption for entities re COVID-19, waiting period suspension continued, noncharging of benefits, eligibility when participating in a work-share program, and certain extended benefit requirement waived -
Act 4State Capitol building: DOA directed to open it to the public [AJR1] -
JR 2Circuit courts designated to begin operation in 2021 [Sec. 413-416, 9107 (1), 9407 (1)] -
Act 58State Fair Park Board may issue Class "B" and "Class B" permits for retail sales of alcohol beverages within the state fair park -
Act 43MacKenzie Center appropriation [Sec. 35] -
Act 58Stewardship Program: amount obligated for high- and medium-priority water infrastructure projects in state parks -
Act 173Holocaust and other genocides: incorporation into model academic standards for social studies and instruction in specified grades required -
Act 30Race and sex stereotyping instruction to pupils in and training to employees of school districts and charter schools prohibited; violation penalty and posting curricula to Internet site provisions [vetoed] -
AB411Substitute teacher permit requirements revised -
Act 236DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) -
Act 245DOA management of information technology, outdated terminology, and certain technology purchases clarifications (remedial legislation suggested by DOA) -
Act 250MA changes re coverage of home health services and products and cross-references to “institution for mental diseases;” definition of “independent living core services” revised (remedial legislation suggested by DHS) -
Act 248Obsolete statutory references eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DFI) -
Act 241Official oath and bond requirement of wardens and superintendents of state prisons (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) -
Act 247Removal of fingerprint records if arrested individual is released without charges or cleared of offense; DHA decisions served by email (remedial legislation suggested by DOJ) -
Act 242SHSW collection of fees for admission, reports from affiliate historical societies, and preserving the memory of early pioneers modified (remedial legislation suggested by SHSW) -
Act 249Standards incorporated by reference into administrative rules filed with LRB and nurse licensure compact terminology changes (remedial legislation suggested by DSPS) -
Act 246Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) -
Act 243Vehicle weight or size limit permit fees and specific information signs on highways revisions; motor vehicle emission control equipment grant program eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DOT) -
Act 244